More is better
The more u do, the better the flash so try to not make more crap
ONCE AGAIN, Jegg has got himself into quite a bit of mischief. Before you watch this, please watch the prequel first [Boiled Eggs (Jeggs Child)]. Or else this will make even less sense. This is more of a bridge episode, and I have alot in store for the third. I hope you like it.
Note: Jegg needing a liver will come into play in part 2
Please reveiw!!! any constructive critisism or anything is greatly appreciated. :D
More is better
The more u do, the better the flash so try to not make more crap
The people whoo made earthbound( they are my heros) will turn in there graves when they die cause of there misuse of musc in this crap! wew that smells like raunchy anal infested ..deasesed?.. 40 year old man crap! peeeeeyew! ps it sucked
for the love of god, enough with the shit refferences
work a bit harder on dem drawings you got there. darn
watch bobby the booger
bobby the bogger rules and dont listen to phantosus's coments.
that was really fucked
uh... that’s some creepy shit. i really don’t know what do say. i’m going back to my hole now.