Tetris remake. Graphics need polish to look professional. Controls are loose and should be more responsive. Next time, submit an original game that you have made yourself.
its just tetris
Tetris remake. Graphics need polish to look professional. Controls are loose and should be more responsive. Next time, submit an original game that you have made yourself.
Controls could be smoother Gotta love some tetris as you have gone all out on this game of tetris or simular likeness you really make it look good and easy, Tetris that classic game with an all new idea visual and twist, but anyways keep making creative games like this one.
It's not even a GOOD rip. The controls are sluggish and dull, and it's nearly impossible to slide blocks.
OMG im sick of these crappy stole tetris games that suck soo much!!
If your going to stel a game pease do us a favor and steal a good one!!!!!
Make your own games. ANYBODY can get the basic Tetris .fla file and add a couple of things to the background.
Stuff like this is flagged as a Free Blam or Stolen nowadays.