wait, i know you, you're the person who wrote the matilda memo stuff
plz grade it easy i need this to be on........ I am wtfnoname1 on reddit.
wait, i know you, you're the person who wrote the matilda memo stuff
hw are the teen titans hentai parodies under relatedâEU¦âEU¦.
That was really sad... I think the spirit of sticks will live on but dude.. Sticks like that will last as long as a fart in a fan factory.... And u gotta zip ur music... It takes 2 long to load otherwise, Try harder next time
I dont want to sound like im talking bad about this entry but man step it up some it is the 21st century after all. I think the best part about this film was the music and I couldent even understand it. I think you could of done a little better on the story because I felt like your film was lacking a story line lol it was just all about stick people fighting which is a really old cliche.
it was alright but it would have been better if the sticks movement was a little smoothera and plz stop usin sticks people they r old