Dude! I hate to complain, but why is it still here?! Plz delete it!
Funny spoof of Matrix Reloaded, with stick figure death, deal with the problems of Matrix reality.
Dude! I hate to complain, but why is it still here?! Plz delete it!
Uh dude... I'm unimpressed. No wonder why it's legitimately the worst newgrounds video I've ever seen. if I were you I would delete this video that I made.
Yeah, that wasn't good. I can see why it's the lowest rated Matrix related thing here. The music got a bit annoying. You shouldn't have made it a loop either. The artwork seemed quite shoddy. You need to add in lines or something.
It didn't make much sense with "The Matrix" films. So this is supposed to be a dream too? I didn't see how this was even a parody. Everything just looked so choppy. I say avoid it.
that was shit man! whats wroung wit u?! u r so stuiped! and the backround muscie its annoying!
Very Funny
thats all i have to say but you could add some voice