1- Super Mario Bros
2- Castlevania
3- ???
4- Ninja Gaiden
5- ???
6- Dig Dug 2
7- Mega Man 2
8- ???
9- ???
10- Bomb Jack
11- Contra
12- Arkanoid
13- Ice Climber
14- ???
15- ???
16- Dr. Mario
17- ???
18- ???
19- ???
20- ???
Well guys, here's a demo to my big project. This demo alone took me around 12 straight hours to complete. Everything in here, the audio work, the intro, the end screen, etc., was all done by me. Anyway, on to what this is...
This is a demo to part 1 of my Ultimate Video Game Music Test. Part 1 will have 100 NES music clips for you to identify (please read the rules in this demo for more information). Part 2 will have 100 SNES music clips. Part 3 will have 100 random music clips, spanning any system, any game (you'll notice I made reference to this on the intro page.. please ignore that, this is just NES) This demo contains the first 20 music clips from the NES portion of my test. If this is received well, I'll continue and complete the entire thing, all 300 questions. Please review with what you think of it, and give me any suggestions you might have. Please be kind, this took a lot out of me @_@
Update: The high scorer so far is XxTempestxX with a score of 17/20
No other scores of note.
1- Super Mario Bros
2- Castlevania
3- ???
4- Ninja Gaiden
5- ???
6- Dig Dug 2
7- Mega Man 2
8- ???
9- ???
10- Bomb Jack
11- Contra
12- Arkanoid
13- Ice Climber
14- ???
15- ???
16- Dr. Mario
17- ???
18- ???
19- ???
20- ???
nice i could guess most
and guy below no:17 is kid icarus
great game
4-ninja gaiden
7-megaman 2
13-ice climber
15-blaster master
My answers...
Number 1; SMB (Super Mario Bros.)
Number 11; Contra (My favourite game...)
Number 13; Ice Climber (love the music...)
Number 16; Doctor Mario
and Number 20; 720 Degrees
great stuff
Oh man, what a flashback, i love this kinda stuff
#9 is arkanaoid by the way