you know wut man?? I only liked da ending music lol from da pringelz sommercial....
all I have ta say iz "once you pop the fun dunt stop" ha ha good music at th eend dude!!
I did this back when I was with Eighth Dimension Studios.Its fun to bring up old work to get a good laugh.
you know wut man?? I only liked da ending music lol from da pringelz sommercial....
all I have ta say iz "once you pop the fun dunt stop" ha ha good music at th eend dude!!
Remeber what Lordlucifer said? Imagine that's what's in this spot...
one time i watched this flash and BLAM no no no no no no no no no no no...
it looks like you put more effort into the end credits than the movie...course that isnt saying much
cheers, remember kids, look both ways before you cross the street
Jesus tap-dancing Christ
Worst video ever.
shit! the only thing i wanted to say about this movie!