Way to go guy!
Your animation style is unique! It's impressive how smooth your battle scenes are! Don't stop making the super dude serie!
- Kael Sorrow
updated - Oct 5th 2004.
Way to go guy!
Your animation style is unique! It's impressive how smooth your battle scenes are! Don't stop making the super dude serie!
- Kael Sorrow
Well done
This is a neat series you have going. The story is pretty compelling, and I like the main character. The fight scenes are pretty damn cool, and quite engaging. I know normally we are not supposed to review other people's reviews, but Kilted, next time you are going to give away the ending, at least warn people. ;) anyways, keep up the excellent work.
You asked for a review so here you are:
My biggest problem with this flash is the spelling errors and comma splices that litter the text bubbles.
The fight scene was very engaging. I really found myself wondering what would come next, and I'm disapointed that blue guy lost. His magical powers were the most creative and unique to the animation.
Ok... The good points first.
The fight was pretty sweet. It had some great scenes in there, with the ice and the fire guys beating the crap out of each other.
The bad points... the black dude jumps in WHEN THEY'VE ALREADY BEATEN EACH OTHER SENSELESS!? That doesn't show much of superheroism. It just shows that he couldn't beat them normally.
My biggest gripe is that the stickfigure fights have been SOOOO played out, that this took a graphical bitchslap to my rating because there has been many before and many better.
If you make these guys more solid, and continue with the fighting style that you've started? THEN, and only THEN will this get a higher score from me.
It's not a blam... but it's down there. For now.
Good but..
For gods shake i think that everyones bored of that Propellerheads song,stop using sticks also,youll get a higher score