Simple, but effective. Notice that your ocean's end is visible in the lower rigth-hand corner. But after 5 years, I don't reckon it matters much.
Simple, but effective. Notice that your ocean's end is visible in the lower rigth-hand corner. But after 5 years, I don't reckon it matters much.
huh...Suprise ending.
Kinda dumb. It did make me laugh though. I give it a... 4 :l ...........O.K.
You totaly surprised me !
I tough tha bird was going to sing that song till the end , but as he said :" la mer a des reflets changeants" and then ... Crunch... The shark (my varorite animal) eats him ... so unpredictable, so funny... even if birds are not the white sharks primary prey.
That was'nt funny, it was stupid
now wasn't that short and stupid?
arent you short and stupid?..