nice yeah really nice
well kinda nice
not super
but still pretty nice
Part 3 is the best so far. It is more cinematic and has slow motion effects. It also has voices and more action.
nice yeah really nice
well kinda nice
not super
but still pretty nice
Now, I hate to say it, but the action seems just a tad corny (But I didn't say it wasn't good!), and the voices were muffled. My only other gripe is the's getting confusing. Besides that, though, the graphics are getting better, and at least it has voices now. Good Job.
wow nice guns u drew.. or copyed..or w.e i liked it, and how u used counter strike like...the voice thing. That was pimp.
Whats with the motorcycle?
I like the story. The graphics have improved since the first one. The main thing I didnt like about this one was the convenient motor cycle and ramp in front of the window. How often do you think they put ramps in front of windows? Well anyways, I liked it.
((( COOL )))
Ok notbad again, one of most favorite series, ahh voces cool, they are all abit short but still some of my favorites, i like ep 2 the best, well off to the final episode...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A good short series, with real;istic apeal...