dude that really sucked, i take back what i said about sunday school whatever # cause that sucked ass along with that death clown shit, what the hell made you even think about puttin that on newgrounds?
This whole thing I'm doing for the Maggot Man episodes are just one big parody of Super Heros. This first episode is explaining how stupid a Super Hero's origen is, for Bruce Banner [The Hulk for you people who don't read comics] had a lab accident and turned into a big green, anger machine. To me, Thats just stupid. Don't get me wrong, I love comics, but I just can't seem to grasp the point of them being there. If you want to get a full explaination of what the super friends are about, then go to "www.Seanbaby.com" this guy is funny as hell! Anyway, enjoy the film and wait for the next episode!
-Sean Sullivan
dude that really sucked, i take back what i said about sunday school whatever # cause that sucked ass along with that death clown shit, what the hell made you even think about puttin that on newgrounds?
"Sunday School" is my brother's work... don't compare my independent animation with his...
Come on man, spen some time on stuff, this sucks . . .
lousy voices
not very good
kinda in the middle btween good and bad
funny ass shit
one of the funniest on ng. loved the voices
Holy Monkey Balls in a Blender!
That was........GREAT!! funny voices and I loved the narator effect!