oh wow, another ayb with humor from the policy made in the year in which george bush was the most idiotic president of the united states!!!!
Another spoof of AYB, but this one makes a political statement that's funny and true. In our opinion, this war is a shame, and it's sad so many people have to die for an unjust cause. So, we figured we'd make fun of Bush the best way we know how... FLASH! So sit back, and enjoy another AYB spoof!
oh wow, another ayb with humor from the policy made in the year in which george bush was the most idiotic president of the united states!!!!
THey dont make poitical humor like this anymore
not the worst movie ive seen but there was no oil whatsoever! concept deserves a 5 tho and it did make me lol so i give you an extra 1
that humared me
lol that was stupid.
not bad
it was alright, rather peculiar parody of all your base, but it was still cool.