It can take awhile to experiment enough to figure out what you want to do. if you included a tutorial, that could hep explain what to do.
3D modeler in flash.
it's a simple to use, click-point type program. Will someone Uber at 3D Modeling make a good model in this and send the code?
Select: Click
|While Selected|
Move Point (X,Y): Arrows
Move Point(Z): Shift-Arrows
Make Line: Shift-Click desired Point
Remove Line: Control-Click desired Point/Line
Copy: Control-C
Paste: Control-V
Cut: Control-X
Delete: del
***The menu does not work from Newgounds***.
go here if you cant live without a menu:
Go to the about section for an example model
It can take awhile to experiment enough to figure out what you want to do. if you included a tutorial, that could hep explain what to do.
Cool small thing to tinker with. Also I like the animation when you pull the thing in the "Controls" menu.
Nice little demo
But I'm not giving it 10 because it seems to be permanently stuck modeling the positions of exactly 8 points in space. Which seems significant since they start by default as the corners of a cube, but there's no reason to force it to be 8 because anyone who is not totally mathematically inept will very easily make it completely NOT the corners of a cube. You should make the number of points a variable as well, or at least limited to some respectable number like 1000 if you want to allocate a specific amount of RAM to it, and that still would only be a tiny amount. For a really interesting time, you could make a version where it is a tesseract, a 4-D hypercube, and you see its projection into the 2 dimensions of the computer screen. Teach some people to think in 4 dimensions, maybe. Or even parameterize that too, and have it be n-dimensional for user-specified n. Wouldn't that be a trip?
How can i make a 3D person?
I couldnt figure it out? I thought you could just like shape some parts into a foot or something?
cool but confusing
pretty cool, though I don't understand anything of it.
For anyone who is interested in 3D modelling, I'd suggest the FREE software: Google Sketchup (Google it to find out where you can dowload it).