i think thats a big improvement.
it waz great! i watched it 3 times. compared 2 da last matrix stix ths was a masterpiece. keep makin more im gonna watch them all.
do you remember the Matrix Stix game? well... this is the animation, 2 minutes of matrix kool animation and effects...
i think thats a big improvement.
it waz great! i watched it 3 times. compared 2 da last matrix stix ths was a masterpiece. keep makin more im gonna watch them all.
i liked it.
I think it was preaty good, tHE MUSIC CUAHT MY ATENTION. Good job.
pretty damn good.
this was a pretty good movie. the flash needed a little bit of working though.
Actually is was, bravemongoose. In the marvel film "DareDevil"
I thought this was an ok flash. Not the best though. (bad spelling/grammer use.)
Pretty cool.
I always imagined that song in some sorta fight scene.