hmm at least you had music
thats not what were used to from ya but ya had music and violence(not in sync) so i cant give you a 3-0 ...........4
The second part of a 2 part series.Im getting sick of making the spider-man movies so it will be the last.This movie includes a very crappy ending and severl fight scens and lots of blood.Specil features ,it includes
Yu Gi Oh! getting cut open while he dies and music from green gelly.
hmm at least you had music
thats not what were used to from ya but ya had music and violence(not in sync) so i cant give you a 3-0 ...........4
what happened????
this was no where near as good as the first one. you sorta gave up and let it least its violent
I agree.
I'm getting sick of it also man. I'm giving you a 1. I wasn't before but you just gave up on it little more then half way through. You could have made the world blow up or somthing.
that really sucked dick.........that was way worse than the 1st......if the rest would be like this then yes dont make anymore