Fun Fact: Crows and ravens can hold grudges for up to 8 years.
3D: AssetKit, 3dReach, Kitbash3D, korboleevd, DD-Creative, 3d Molier International
Image: PixelSquid360, TexturesCom, Wirestock, Bilanol, Dimitrios Savva, Jarod Guest, Moonon
SFX: Carlos Santa Rita, Ivo Vicic, 2496 SFX, La Burbuja, Cinematic Sound Design, Adam Pietruszko, Just Sound Effects, Angel Perez Grandi, Craig Carter Collection, Apple Hill Studios
Fun Fact: Crows and ravens can hold grudges for up to 8 years.
Good little joke! I chuckled!
HA! also happy halloween guyz :)
This is a spicy meatball
This is funny!