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dizimz tutorial 2

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I assume you are new to flash and need help with sound fx and loops
this will give you tips on sound optimising and looping it will also teach you to import sounds to your flash

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This was even shorter than the first tutorial. I am at least impressed that you kept it up. Maybe you should have physically shown us. Well, that would have required something live-action. No, just show us your screen. That still probably wouldn't be wanted here.

Why is your name lower case? Dang, you were prolific. Everyone seems to be when they first start out. You need music. It's too boring.

An okay tutorial

adam_p89 appears confused


It's like sonic adventure 2: battle, and that's a GOOD thing! I'm 15, but I am very impressed by your artwork, really excellent work. Your menus were beautifully arranged and I like the idea of multiple story lines which intertwine. I also love your Element movies, so this was cool to be able to play as the characters, you should be proud of this game, if you finish it, and make it full, it could be front page worthy, I firmly believe! Great!!!


Good demo

But it started to get boring,I mean you fight the same thing over and over...and over..and when your in the water make and animation like hes swimming or something instead of magically floating okay?Also you move way too slow in the water too so speed it up a little.Add some powerups and stuff in the future too!10/10!

Dizimz responds:

thanx for da review oww man it took me forever to figure out this programing
but flashkit was a great help
umm i know the fbi robots got buting but they are crows enemies

Nice art...

Well done, you obviously have a way to go with the interactivity, but i see that you've put a ton of work into the characters and artwork.


Credits & Info

3.88 / 5.00

Apr 24, 2003
5:44 PM EDT