The core gameplay is to keep dodging everything until you have 170 points.
But the patterns are mostly uninteresting, or badly paced.
The initial bullet waves from the left can be avoided by picking a safe spot and then staying still for a loooong while. It seems you need to move up by a pixel or two throughout, but I'm not sure if it's deliberate or a rounding error or something, because the visual difference is absolutely negligible.
Then there's the orange bar moving around, and in my experience, it either stays out of your way so you're in no danger of colliding with it, or it moves across the screen in such way that you simply cannot avoid it. But you have enough health to eat the occasional hits.
Then there are the flames coming from the top, but they stay for a second before I achieve 170 points and the game ends.
It's weird. I would expect to be able to accumulate points endlessly and avoid randomized pattern sequences, and the patterns themselves to be both more challenging and fairer.