lol nice
heres me thinkin OMFG NOT ANOVA FIRST MOVIE! but ur others were gud so i took a look. ill tell u 1 thing. I'm glad i made that choice.
I saw all of these movies on the net and I felt that I also would like to animate a movie. So here is my first movie!! Enjoy!!
lol nice
heres me thinkin OMFG NOT ANOVA FIRST MOVIE! but ur others were gud so i took a look. ill tell u 1 thing. I'm glad i made that choice.
first movie?????????????????????
The first time I made a movie.... It wasnt this pretty. It ended up looking like yoshi crapped on my computer screen.goddamn yoshi always messing up my movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can see he didnt get to yours though. Great job.
nice violeence but either needed more blood, guts etc or dome speech and dialogue but still pretty good
good effort
the graphics were ok,lots of violence *always a plus* and it was wierd *love wierd* but if you put that much effort why not work a bit more and put text to it,a lil diologe woulda brought you a long way
i'd give a 1 for effort
.... i'd give it a 1 for effort