holy shit this is so well made
(the poop emoji is the loading screen, give it a sec)
an INCREDIBLY shitty game (with an absurd amount of duck life music for some reason) i had made in scratch on july 22, 2022 as a remix to this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/80137670
the premise is simple: press x to throw balls (🤨📸) at scratch cat; your cat. and you try to get to 500 balls thrown
and nothing bad happens.. yup
nothing at all.. totally
figured that since there's a site that formats scratch projects to html5 zip archives i could put this here to test out newgrounds' game uploading and get a feel for it for when i want to upload quality game content
and y'know? in retrospect i could've just made this thing something along the lines of a cookie clicker game in the sense that you press one button to increase a variable, and use said variables to purchase in-game items that reward you more increases, just to make it somewhat more interesting
i might actually do that. i haven't done so much as touch scratch in a while but i still remember a majority of what i know about programming in the site, i'm pretty sure
..but then again, maybe not, because i want to make rpgmaker games, because most of the time they're mad funny lol
hell i might even get into sprite art to make assets for it. what program to use though, i wonder (preferably a free one so i don't have to pay for anything)...
you could consider this my halloween special, given the themes this "game" has
- -.-- .--. . / .----. -.. .. . .----. / .. -. / - .... . / .--. .-. --- .--- . -.-. - / ..-. --- .-. / .- / ... .--. . -.-. .. .- .-.. / ... ..- .-. .--. .-. .. ... .
holy shit this is so well made
not gonna lie this caught me off guard
Visually, that CRT shader's pretty impressive.
The gameplay itself is nothing special - just mash X to reach the end - but it works quite well as a setup for a pretty damn creepy piece of horror.
The idea's pretty simple (cartoon violence having realistic consequence), but you executed it to perfection here.