I saw Donnie Darko it was a good movie
but this is stupid and a waste of time nothing about it was funny
ATTENTION!!! THIS IS BASED ON A MOVIE MOST PEOPLE HAVEN'T SEEN! If you haven't seen the movie "Donnie Darko", then this may not make sense and/or make you laugh. I suggest not reviewing this movie if you haven't seen the film. Thank you very much, bu buy.
I saw Donnie Darko it was a good movie
but this is stupid and a waste of time nothing about it was funny
Being a huge Donnie Darko fan (watching the movie AT LEAST once a week),
I can honestly say, without a doubt, that no one who sees this Flash will find it funny.
I worship Donnie Darko
and I thought that to be very irrelevant
and random
but mostly just dumb
Couldn't you have thrown in a chut up or fuk-ass?
this movie was horse shit
well then
his real name was donald darko.. and the animation was ok except gor the characters didnt look like the real ones. music was good (being from the film) ill give you an 4 because hopefully you enjoyed this movie as much as i did.