Pretty cool
Graphics:Very cool different
Style:I like
Humor:pretty goofy
Overall:I like keep the flash movies up with ur unique style
Ok before you start getting all mad yes this is the second sumbmission of this with a few minor changes. You can now click on my screen name to pop up and IM window. There were some serious problems with the first loader so a lot of people that wanted to see my movie probably couldn't. Also I wanted to give everyone who did see the first movie to respond to my responces or leave new ones.
Pretty cool
Graphics:Very cool different
Style:I like
Humor:pretty goofy
Overall:I like keep the flash movies up with ur unique style
For the 4th Of July
Like to start off saying happy 4th of july to everyone, wether u want to respect it or not! Its the soldiers that have protected my right to pop my little firecrackers! I think bush went to war for wrong reasons, and i am a strong democrat, but. We mus set parties aside and concentrate on what we have. We have men and woman, fathers, mothers and family out there, fighting to make sure that we can live our normal lives, and pop our fireworks! It does matter what u think of pres bush! U can hate his ass, it doesn matter! BUT We have people over there fighting and dieing for us, show some respect to them! Now for the flash, it was pure goodness! You got alot of hate for this one, but i think u just made them mad cuase they realize just how great those men are that are fighting for our freedoms. I read all the posts that have been posted, some good some bad. And if i believe right it s Communism 1-4/1(korea could be a draw) and america 4-1/1 Who works better? THE USA! This is teh greatest country, damn all you other guys to hell, so u can get raped in the ass by hitler and sadam! WOOP! IM DONE! GREAT FLASH
Let the man speak
Jesus, the man is entitled to his opinion. Just because yours are different he isn't necessarily wrong. He's a racist though huh? Watch the movie Osama. It was created in secret by a group of Afghanis during the Taliban regime. No western influences are in the film. No the war isn't about race. Nor is it against Islam. It is against the oppression of the weak. Saddam gassed over 4000 Kurds, including women and children. Yeah, the man needs to die.
I agree with nippleclock_1337
You're wrong.
America love it or the fuck out
i dont agree with bush or the reason why we are in Iraq but u have to support the tropps man they are in because they are servicing the country not because they have to be