the movie iss sooooo funny lol gosd thjis is asome
Here it is! Many asked for it when I released my SB switch parody, so after taking a few months off, I bring you my Jay switch parody. Please read the following rant before giving your own!
Ok, first off, this is mainly for Jay & Silent Bob fans. Second, if you didn't like/understand/'get' "Silent Bob - Stoner" (, then you'll have no more luck here. You can complain all you want about the filesize, I'm not gonna do anything. Just get DSL or something and STFU.
Please, visit APPLE.COM/SWITCH if you want to understand why it is a parody or why it resembles so closely the Dark Side Switch ( Got it? good. ^^ Snootchie bootchies!
Oh, almost forgot: *WARNING* Excesive language (gotta protect the kiddies! ^^)
Oh, the sounds: I found Jay's Rap on Kazaa (and Google. just do a quick search. Not hard... supposedly), The scratch is from and all other sounds were ripped from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back by yours truly.
the movie iss sooooo funny lol gosd thjis is asome
dooby snacks
perfect 10/10
that was pritty good lol
best jay & silent bob animation ive seen on ng
keep up the good werk man
I liked it
but only becaues i like jay and silent bob in grenaral and its much better than the silent bob thing you did i think you should make a jay and silent bob game next jerse local!
MUCH better than 'Silent Bob- Stoner'
This was fucking cool, The Fuck rap has become almost a worldwide phemomenon for JSB fans and it great to see it put alongside a decent flash cartoon. Good job!