This looks almsot like my spider-hemp series
After getting the two stick flicks out of my system, I decided I wanted to attempt a Non stick version of my shitty parody.
And well, Yeah, umm....alright.
Its not finished or anything. I have a hump-load of work to do before it's done, and yeah, time is lacking.
But if you want to give me a few (hundred) pointers in the right direction, feel free.
Leave notes other than, "Kill yourself", "throw your computer at your mom", and "BLAMMO".
If you think My Movie is shit(and you probably will), then tell me it, but then tell me how to make it Decent. That's the point of these reviews right? Tell you whats wrong, and how to fix it.
This looks almsot like my spider-hemp series
it was good action pac vidio put what spidy and the villans were saying was going at the speed of light
You're funny, unfortunately, this flash submission isn't; and, therefore, fails miserably.
You smell funny...
It was hard to catch what he was saying and you could work on your graphics a little bit.... my tongue hurts :'(
wat he say????????
hey great movie but way to fast of talking and try to make ur drawing improve.