very cool
I liked this alot...i think the song made it better....keep up the good work!!!
A quick sk8 flick I whipped together. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. The song is called 'Every me and every you.'
very cool
I liked this alot...i think the song made it better....keep up the good work!!!
This was a fresh style for me, i like it!
I look forward to your next production.
Nice work!
It would probably be a nice favor done if you added the band that is playing name in the end of the movie! Nice work, keep it up!
Good vid
I especially like the front side flip down the set it looked like it had the most animation out of all of them.
ive watch some of your other movies too
this is way better than the other skate films
frame by frame, hand drawn, better bgs.....
definatly an improvemnt, and i liked the bails
nice style, like in that short skate flick
would be cool if u do more frams and faster rate, more tricks, more angles, perhaps draw the skaters a bit more detailed..... originall stuff, some of it
so generalyl my opinion bout you has changed.. keep up the work, n' props :)