"Dreamer, a 2d pixel platform game based on the dreams of a little child who aims to get his country's flag on the planet he is on."
Sounds like a cute, relaxing platformer doesn't it? WRONG! This is actually a super meatboy re-skin. Saw-blades have been replaced with black holes and comets. How does reaching a flag have anything to do with getting his country's flag on a planet? This kid has some really weird dreams.
I kept on playing since I didn't know if there was a save thinking that all progress might be lost if I quit, foolishly thinking that there can't be much left after going through all this. When I reached the moving platforms it became too much.
Well.. this game isn't terrible. Level design isn't too bad, and as a rage game it certainly gets the job done. But there is no warning about the extreme difficulty. Why does it have to be so hard? I feel tricked thinking this would be a nice experience. And it seems there is no save; how much can you really make the player go through?