ok i guess but i luv jihad
This is my first fully-completed Flash
animation. The idea (which my
conservative wife forgives me for)
sprang almost fully-formed into my head
this week. The "Wilson" attribution is
referring to Robert Anton Wilson, in
particular his narrative in the
"Schrodinger's Cat" books.
ok i guess but i luv jihad
well this was nothing to be proud of and nothing to be ashamed of. it was right down the middle in my eyes.
I did not like this movie.
If you would like to make a point, this is not the way to go about it. There are ways of being contraversial, but this is not one of them. Also as for a flash movie, the tranisitions between the sceens (fade-out/fade-ins) was very jumpy and took a really long time.
your on your way
look i know i havent made any flash movies but i can tell that with your work its gonna go places. this was a pretty funny movie and do hope you were being sarcastic. lol i know good work when i see it and this my friend deserves a 4 or 5
nice use of sarcasm..
at least i hope this is sarcastic..if not i dont ever wanna piss you off:P
Thanks muchly . . . and yes, it is
largely a work of satire. I don't
wish to go Jihaddish on anybody. :)