Mobile game that is all about clapping your hands. The joke aspect was average, and you could have added much more comedy.
Clap the hands together to earn some score! The higher your score the better your rank (25 possible ranks)!
NOTE: This game is intentionally meant to be a joke! It was made in 3 hours so there will be bugs! I'm sorry if I couldn't get to all of them!
ALSO NOTE: This game is also mobile friendly. Just thought you'd know.
ALSO ALSO NOTE: If you can read this than you don't need glasses :)
Mobile game that is all about clapping your hands. The joke aspect was average, and you could have added much more comedy.
players to recognize predict patterns, which can be applied to real-world situations such as data analysis and reading comprehension.
Really enjoyed it, at the cost of my fingers. The best I got was 10,0020 points
Tudo bem temos objetivos a concluir com o jogo, uma salva de palmas para o criador dele que teve a coragem de apenas repetir o mesmo design de pixel das mãos até na batida de palmas só mudando o lado e a cor de uma das mãos, foi bom enquanto durou com um auto-click.