Remake of Asteroids. You should have added bright colors and some original art. You should correct the visuals so we can see the entire window.
UP - Acceleration
LEFT - Left
RIGHT - Right
You'll need to zoom out about 50% to seem the entire window! Sorry! :3
Remake of Asteroids. You should have added bright colors and some original art. You should correct the visuals so we can see the entire window.
Main complaint's the highly awkward controls - acceleration is far away from the turn controls, and using LMB to shoot is entirely unnecessary.
Putting movement on the arrow keys/WASD and firing on space would've been much better.
Sure, thanks for the feedback i'm gonna change it!
Edit: Changed them, try it out if you want!
the player hitbox is kinda broken. and shooting with LMB is annoying and doesnt always shoot when clicked.
also, if everything looks pixelated, why does the death effect not look like that?
This was an beginner project I made in GameMaker and the effects in that engine aren't really pixelated, so that's why. I'll change the controlls and hitbox. The not always shooting-problem should be because of the HTML5-export. I'll fix the problems, thank's for the feedback!
Edit: Fixed your problems! Try it out if you want!