...ok you got style
i respect your style...i dont like it....but i see you got your style in animation ...weird stuff ....but like ..had sense....i think ...
My latest video made for Mistake Mistake. It's a crap, but tastes nice.
Enjoy it.
...ok you got style
i respect your style...i dont like it....but i see you got your style in animation ...weird stuff ....but like ..had sense....i think ...
so the grey guy with one eye is god i see
Sometimes, but most of the time he's just a jerk I meet in an elevator.
what. the. fuck.
I have no clue what just happend....but be sure, as soon as I get high i'll figure it out...
WTF, wow its good, but it scares and confuse's me.
nice work though.
There are no words. Very stylish. Looks like it took alot of time. Scary though..........