very charming!
qpress q for robot
press space for car
press down arrow for truck
press right arrow for tank
press left arrow for van
press up arrow for jet/helicopter
press any number to change a color 1 chest, 2 arms, 3 legs, 4 head, 5 car, 6 truck, 7 tank, 8 van, 9 jet, y titan, 0 eyes, a effect
click a part to change it
press r to randomize
press t for titan
b to change background
press r to randomize
press p to punch
press k to kick
press e, s, d, f, and c to look around
very charming!
Very fun!
Transformer dress up flash. Graphics features different colors, but they could look more vibrant. The controls are pressing many different keyboard keys and numbers. If you could make the controls simpler that would be an improvement.