animation works better if the limbs move and there was a lot of lag and just bad taste of humour
omg, im so proud of myself! this is so f***ng good flash! this is my second flash i've ever made in my life! this is made with swish v.2.01
animation works better if the limbs move and there was a lot of lag and just bad taste of humour
you should have mentioned it was a stick movie it makes me sick it such a cheap way out of animating, work with the animation and the hatrix ? errrrrr dont think so
you can do better
wow this really wasnt good. but by watchin, it looks like you could do really good. this is my idea. scrap this movie. work on a really good stick animation that takes you about 3 months. make them accually move their limbs. i hope this helped. --Leviathan
wow that was terrible. Nothing good about it at all, at least using sticks you could have made a little better fighting moves. I mean if you were using full figuers i could see that you put some effort and if the moves were this bad than it would be moderatly acceptable. But sticks are simple so everything shoudl have been better than this garbage that you made. Im sure you could do better. But judging by this, you and your movie totatly stink.
For the love of god and all things living, take time to actually animate merely had sticks flying around...