You call this a flash?
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Hehe... sillee NG!! A browser change later... asdfsdfg!!!
(seizure warning)
You call this a flash?
Well actually, Macromedia call it flash. I was just lucky enough to get a copy of their fine software and publish a file from within said software. I then uploaded the resultant file onto newgrounds where it exists to this day. SO to answer your question, yes, I call it a flash, as that was the name that macromedia decided to call it. Ok?
It was Crap-tastic!
Welll, I just spent a couple minutes on the worst crap I have ever seen. Hope you do better next tiem.
If I could...
I would give you a -100, because it's the worst thing I ever saw
It made me angry...
...because it sucked.
I did not get the humor of this cartoon...
Nor the purpose o_o...