Not exactly riveting
It would be cool if I knew anyone in the movie, but since I don't I don't find watching it all that fun or amusing.
Not really worth the bandwidth.
Go watch part b after this one.
Not exactly riveting
It would be cool if I knew anyone in the movie, but since I don't I don't find watching it all that fun or amusing.
Not really worth the bandwidth.
Not very intresting at all
and did you play it on your tv and record it with a camera? It really looks like... crap
OK first clean up the picture, second get somthing oridgional. I almost didnt wana see the end because i was getting bored. For somthing like that you should have a more uplifting song or at least less monotone. this would make it better
i'm really trying to figure out the point here. now, a lot of people find imitating jackass funny but if you're gonna do it get creative! cool song playing at least. i don't really know what to say here. this review probably won't be very helpful. i guess all i can say is make a better video with some structure(and humor or cool shit) to it and it'll do good. decent try i guess, but still misses the mark.
people falling down is just about the finest thing ever.
good choice of music.