Locking in for this one
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Welcome to the first Trivial Guesser! Test your knowledge on video game releases through daily challenges focused on guessing the title! Can you figure it out with only four attempts?
This game offers a fair amount of features!
Huge thanks to the following people for making this game great!
Thanks to @applessmillion for contributing the main theme, background art assets, and some of the trivia! You can see the Newgrounds game image submitted here
Thanks to @RayHamilton for their great pixel-perfect console controller art you can see on the title screen! Check out their full line of art here
Big thanks to @EricMatyas for having hundreds of free sounds and loops available on his website! You can check out the full library of tunes here: https://soundimage.org/
Music used includes: Arcade Stories, Arcade Goblins, Dangerous Descent, and Wild Ride Through Tokyo
Locking in for this one
its a bit hard 2 me
ho like it :O day 12 is bug for sony
Not bad. Like Magnus commented, some technical issues so you need to wait or revisit a category to load a question. I think I also ran into a problem with the medals, since the 5 answer one didn't unlock for me either. I was logged in and made a screenshot of the score to be safe. Maybe an api issue?
Edit: Checked it again and it works now! Thanks!
Sorry about those issues!
With a just pushed update you should be able to load up the main screen of the game and unlock medals after 2-3 seconds. If not, please check the stats page and see what's shown there.
Will be checking into other issues as well.
A few issues:
1) I am sure I got at least one right yesterday and with four today, I should have the 5 needed for the medal. Leaderboard and in-game stats show 6 wins for me. EDIT: fixed, thanks!
2) sometimes when loading a new category, instead of a new game to guess you see the game you just guessed on another category.
3) Sony for 12 July can not be won due to problems with the "&" sign. Also on 10/11 July on pc, it didn't accept Diablo for the answer.
Sorry about those issues!
1) I just pushed an update - if you load up the main screen of the game you should start unlocking medals after 2-3 seconds. If not, please check the stats page and see what's shown there. Issue was with how little I was calling the medal unlocks - it would only fire after a winning game with under 4 guesses (whoops). Anyone else affected should receive the medals on loading the title page as well if you're signed in.
2) I'll double-check what might be going on here - I am aware of about a 1 second period where the game could get confused on which category you're playing, and will see if I can get that fixed up as well. Expect that to be a later update.