This is a local-multiplayer PONG game with 7 unique characters.
At the beginning, both players can choose their character. They all have unique stats and special abilities. Player 1 controlls with WASD and player 2 uses the arrow keys. The game ends if one player loses all of their lives.
Player 1
Move Up: W Key
Move Down: S Key
Special Ability/ Confirm: A Key/ D Key/ Space
Player 2
Move Up: Up Button
Move Down: Down Button
Special Ability/ Confirm: Left Button/ Right Button
Here is a list of all the characters and what they do:
Thank you for playing :)
1. 0. 1
- Fixed some bugs
- Balancing
- QoL
1. 0
- Game released
NOTE: i'm not planning to adding any more content to the game, but i will probably balance it out as much as i can. Also the code is spaghetti :)
Thank you :)
Fun :)
Thank you :)
A pretty solidly made pong game, with a clever twist.
Main complaint's the lack of a singleplayer/online multiplayer mode.
Thanks for your feedback :) the game is kinda old and has bad code so im not going to make one, but i might make a second part to this game one day who knows