meh, its weird how the burglars walks even on the background, there's not more, i think this game will be better if it released in 2006.
"A town to protect, many bandits, and your reliable pistol."
A simple, cowboy themed shooter game. The game will get improved by your feedbacks. Used software and tools written in Info section.
Have fun! - Computatrum
Update 1:
- New background.
- Text GUI improvements.
- Hostiles's random Y spawn coordinates arranged to background.
- A little frame added to firing animation.
- A silly little easter egg added. Good luck to find it.
For next update:
- Ammo system will be added.
- A looping music will be added.
- New enemy types will be added.
- More easter eggs will be added.
meh, its weird how the burglars walks even on the background, there's not more, i think this game will be better if it released in 2006.
As is, it's not basic, it's lacking. More visual feedback is needed. Show blood/hit effects, show bad guys falling down dead. Also, add screams of the town being attacked.
I appreciate the game over screen but it should be "You Failed".
Not fundamentally bad but has obvious flaws even aside from just being a very simple game.
The gunshot sound is way too loud for something that's going to be playing near constantly once you get past the first few waves. The enemies also have no indication of their health nor if you actually hit them or not, giving you basically no feedback for your actions the whole experience. I don't think the art style is bad at all though, desperately needs some music.
Thanks for your feedback, the problems will be noted.
- Volume of the weapon is kinda problematic, maybe a music can hide it, idk.
- Despite the fact it is hard to code, a health indicator for enemies may be added, good point.
- A music is already in my next update plans list.
Have a good day.
could be better, could be worse
this has a lot of potential to be fun based off of the upcoming stuff
maybe add medals so it doesnt get boring too
I'm thinking for medals, too.