so cool i wish i could solv a rubix cube bugt i cant
Update: TrickSim mode fixed. For the middle moves, I did the same moves based on the same keys without really thinking, no matter where the camera can turn around it. Although I don't use middle moves, it's still worth fixing. To accomplish this, I just had to set the relative side to turn values to 5 and 6 for the middle moves, and use that with my orientation index (runs 0-3) resulting in index n which is used to pick from the same array I use in intuitive mode. Then for flipped moves, I just applied the same math and logic, checking whether the nth move array element is already counter clockwise/flipped, or if it's more than 11 (this means it's a middle move as there's 12 moves excluding those).
With that done, I've also made the followint changes:
Bug fix update:
Update: TrickSim Mode added! This mode is designed to very roughly emulate the speed and feel of finger tricks in the standard typing position. Press N to cycle between Intuitive Mode (default), TrickSim, and Off (first mode programmed for testing). Place your index fingers on F and J keys as marked with underline on most keyboards, and do any of the 8 moves available from any given direction, mapped as follows:
U [J] / U' [F] / L [D] / R' [K] / L' [S] / R [L] / D [A] / D' [ ; ]
M: [R or U] / M' [V or M] / E [E] / E' [ I ]
X: [Space] / X' [T or Y] / Y [H] / Y' [G]
Note: Moves are relative to where you're looking, which changes when you do a Y or Y' whole cube rotation.
Oh and, there's also a bug where at some rotations, Y and Y' don't work right or the logo doesn't move properly. I totally forgot that I haven't figured this out yet for some reason, but as of now, if you have any issue with this then press G/H and then try flipping again.
I have also made it so that in this mode, calling a move in the middle of an existing one will instantly finish up. I decided on this because it would be very annoying to have the cube always wait an amount of time that could potentially be 2 key presses later, especially when doing complex algorithms where a wrong move or two will cause you to have to stop and figure out what key the opposite moves are mapped to, and mentally reorient to continue what you were doing and get back on track.
I did automatically half the rotation timespan in this mode though, so that moves in smooth turning mode don't take as long and aren't as likely to snap over, and you can always change the speed (at least outside of Tricksim Mode).
-- Fixed incorrect logo rotation for certain moves (I thought I had already figured all of that out! Now it seems to be working right)
This game is an update to the previous Rubik's Cube app that I updated to include an intuitive mode. This time, I decided to upload it as a new version, including an actual cube model, animation, integration with other features that did moves before so they work correctly (e,g. executing a sequence of moves with animation requires you to only do one move at a time/wait until sequence is over), orientation-agnostic solve checks, adjustable turn speed and control modes, animated cube rotation, and game mode. Not thinking about how to best write the more basic features at first made it difficult to fix bugs (like the first move updating visually before start of its rotation when playing a move sequence). I was able to get things to at least behave fairly appropriately eventually.
All of the controls are listed in the log on the top right of the screen. As you are greeted with initially, press Q and E to flip through the full list of log entries, of which new ones will be added as you do things to tell you what's going on.
-- To see guidance on the controls, keep pressing and/or holding Q to go back from the default position in the list. The basic ones, however, are as follows:
To control the Rubik's Cube, press one of the Arrow Keys to select a side from where the game camera is facing. To rotate the camera around the cube so you can see different sides, use the A and D keys. W and S will reorder the colors to a rotated state instantaneously. Press T to start a game, and G to configure the challenge.
so cool i wish i could solv a rubix cube bugt i cant
Is nice