v nostalgic flash game i loved it
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/310005 - idea/Идея
Тучке очень жарко! И поетому он думает чем остужиться!
Tuchka is very hot! And that’s why he thinks about how to cool off!
v nostalgic flash game i loved it
what are you talking about? about nene or this game? I’ll say right away if this is a game, then I’ll say right away: this is not a flash game, and it was released in 2024, but thank you for your support (:
ты про что? про нене или эта игра? сразу скажу если эта игра, тогда сразу скажу: это не флеш игра, и вышла она в 2024 году, а так спасибо за поддержку(:
Um jogo ruim, tem interatividade e tudo, mas elas não são tão criativas e nem um pouco recompensadoras, o jogador pode simplesmente bugar o jogo selecionando e spamando os botões de ação do personagem a todo momento, faltou muita programação e uma tela digna de "final adquirido".
Só por causa disso? ou existem outros problemas?
только из за этого? или ещё проблемы есть?
Only because of this? or are there other problems?
it's not very inspired, just Nene's interactive suicide all over again but with a different more family friendly skin. The music is genuinely hurts my brain on a physical level.
Dude, what did you write to me?
Чел, ты что мне написал?