made me laugh. awesome game man.
This is Stickman Edition of ZNK(Život Není Krásný). It's just a adventure game full of killing. If you have a problem with this game just don't play it. Nothing but hate! This is game inspired by Reznik's game ZNK(Život Není Krásný). Song in background are also from Reznik
Pořád Jenom Hate - Main Menu
(Nothing But Hate)
Politicky Nekorektní Pí*a - Background
(Politically Incorrect C*nt)
Also endings are named after Reznik's songs
Strangulation Groove - Strangulační Rýha
Ruler Of Apocalypses - Vládce Apokalyps
made me laugh. awesome game man.
Personally I don't like it very much, but the game works fine. I could suggest using your og stickmen as well. Thanks for sharing
its ok. Wish it was longer and had more player freedom. But other than that its alright
Great game with great and family friendly humor