Hmm, not quite sure how to feel about this one! I suppose it's shaping up to be a platformer and it does have a decent foundation in that regard, but I'm just not sure what it's core appeal or hook is and it is rather unfocused, glitchy and bare-bones at the moment, being an early alpha.
I do have some decent fun jumping up the vine and dodging through enemies and all that jazz, so again, that's looking alright. But all of the other elements like shops and so on just seem to superfluous, though perhaps that's just a consequence of the game currently being so short that they don't have time to generate value and strategy around them that you see in other games like Downwell. I suppose the vine growing and generating platforms is kind of neat, but in a way, it really is just fancy set-dressing and doesn't look to be some sort of innovative or fun core element to the traversal.
There are a lot of confusing aspects to the game. Enemies are inconsistent in how or if you can even damage them, lots of interactions like with shops are unclear on how to proceed, why you need to time a double-jump on an enemy instead of just landing on them, bosses either seem impossible to hurt or way too spongy, and so on. There are also some minor bugs like still being able to jump/dash after dying or completing a level, as well as just awkward hitboxes, getting hurt while spawning into a new zone, and strange physics that made me bounce off of stuff or just wonk out. But worst of all was the tutorial which gave a terrible first impression due to a jump that's impossible to clear without dashing, but dashing is only taught after you clear that jump!
Hopefully the game shapes up into something cool: trying to help as much as I can but I'm a bit lost since it is so early in development that I don't know what to say or focus on yet.