Fun game. You should add some music to make the game feel alive a bit. Also add A to move left and D to move right. Space to jump.
Keyboard- Left/Right and "M"
Mobile- The screen buttons.
Controller- Left/Right and B to jump. (Might work)
I do not own Regular Show. This game was just made for fun.
Fun game. You should add some music to make the game feel alive a bit. Also add A to move left and D to move right. Space to jump.
I soft locked my self trying to get all the coins and I get stuck on edges. Besides that it plays almost smoothly. Still pretty fun.
I'm actually so glad you had fun man. Thanks for the comment.
could be better
have no music unlike the 3DS game
When you say could be better, what do you specifically mean? Yeah its not the greatest, but some feedback would help man!
Also I dont make music.
Jogabilidade boa, personagem bem desenhado, cenário genérico e inimigos com design não tão chamativo. Mesmo perdendo ou reiniciando o jogo as moedas/pontuação do jogo não são reiniciados (inclusive não serve de nada essas moedas, tornando elas uma perca de tempo a serem coletadas), existe também uma parte do jogo onde o personagem pode ficar preso e obrigatoriamente temos que recarregar a página reiniciando todo o jogo. Outro último detalhe é o nome do jogo ter "Mordecai e Rigby", mas não tem o Rigby...
Thanks for the feedback 👍. This project was the first thing I've done where I actually tried/cared on the pixel art. I'll try to fix the coin score. And also the enemies look that way, because that's just how they were in the original game.
One more thing, I'll work on adding Rigby. It's just that I really like Mordecai's design.