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Lord of the Rings RECAST1

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this is my first flash movie on new grounds. what would happen if there was war tv coverage durining the
battle of middle earth?

hey all. on your reviews just about everyone said it was to long and to big so i cut back about 4 minutes and its only about 2mb now. enjoy

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A funny flash, but not on purpose I think. The funny parts were when Elrond's mouth started wagging somewhere around his shoulder. Good job being accidentally funny!!! =)

Work needed.

You said this was your first flash on NG. Heh, I could sorda tell. I couldn't understand what the newsman was saying, or the reporter, or Elrond.
However, I must admit it was funny, for the parts I did understand.
The graphics where not the best, either. And what was up with that, thing, at the end???


As a proud Tolkienite, I found the idea of a war coverage of the Last Alliance very amusing. The idea of Narsil being a bomb dropped on Sauron was very creative. The only problems I have are:
The mouths do not go along with the words.
Something went crazy around the time of Elrond's part of the interview.
Not great graphics.

But full points for creativity!

Big gaps between dialogue

They are also hard too understand.

there are better ones

not bad...
but not good either.
One detail:P
it's sauron!
not saruan!


Credits & Info

2.51 / 5.00

Apr 12, 2003
2:52 AM EDT