not bad
good but u cud at least of made new chainsaws
im too tired right now to write too much crap, basically this is a newer version of sawblade with more places in the level and new characters and shit
ive kinda rushed this a little but its ok
controls -
left/right = move
up/down = control saw
space = boomerang attack
ctrl = kick attack.
have fun, plz review
not bad
good but u cud at least of made new chainsaws
Not much improvement here.
Yeah it's better but not enough. Mainly just a bunch of recycled animation. Come on man be more creative!
"Jesus Is Coming Back!"
what the hell was this crap!?
Wow, this was bullshit, soundloops suckass, and the least you could have done was pick a good song. It was boring, you should have made more than one level repeating over and over, and make the guys fight back, there was no storyline and you shouldnt call yourself an artist.
glad to see its original