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Coaster of Betrayal

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Families and couples have gone to a theme park for a vacation,but it seems that the coasters...aren't quite done yet!

Make sure they reach the end safely!

-Some info:-

Pause with P and go back to menu in case you got stuck,the game saves your progress.

Before you reload the page,make sure you QUIT the game,so when it reloads the page your progress should still be there.

*Originally uploaded this on my itch.io for a gamejam back in 2021 for the Mini Jam 93: Vacation

*I'm both the artist and the developer here [nICOLEdev] ( i just don't know how to put them both in the credits)

*The music is made by Phelippe Afonso

! The game is mouse ONLY !

*Fullscreen is reccomended (Down right corner)

*Left click moves the lever left and Right click moves the lever right

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I could give this game some slack because it's a game jam title n' all, but the game's just way too damn janky and because of that I just sometimes can't grab the rails for... some reason, or the riders get stuck. Not really that great.

G2455 responds:

I understand,
This was the first time I tried to do a drag and drop so yeah, it can be janky at times,thanks tho for the criticism.

Credits & Info

3.26 / 5.00

May 5, 2024
8:42 AM EDT
  • Unity