HAHAHAHA .....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ....Made me laugh so hard... i like that show tho... >_< <_>
Leave it to Beaver
The Lost Episodes
Wally And Eddie have a little surprise for Larry Mondello
HAHAHAHA .....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ....Made me laugh so hard... i like that show tho... >_< <_>
That was funny and different...nice style
I dont know bout the rest of you but I am secure enough in my heterosexuality to laugh at a gay Wally and Eddie...
While wally was a surprise I always had my doubts about Eddie ...
Make More...
Why did you do this?
You took a bad reference to Pulp Fiction and put into your homoerotic fantasy involving leave it to beaver? Jesus that sucked. I don't know who's a bigger dumbass you or the peoplr that thought this was funny and didn't see it for the fag fanfiction that it really is.
You got the idea from PULP FICTION YOU UNORIGINAL BASTARD!! and i got that saying from adam sandler! Its all good..just no more butt fucking please!
what the f*#$
Seriously dude, it was a neat idea, style wise.....but wtf? Not the best choice of subject matter. Why don't you use your talent in a little less disgusting way.