Too hard, I'll finish it later (good gaem)
Z: Jump (you can Wall Jump!)
X: Spit out Fish (if you hold on for too long, they will spit out!)
START(enter): Enter and Exit the Menu
Coins: Buy Drinks or Save
Made using GB studio and using its community assets
Too hard, I'll finish it later (good gaem)
plays okay
when you jump and change directions at a certain point when you are going up in the jump animation you can fling yourself in that direction kinda as though you did a pseudo air dash? I don't think this is even a problem really, it's definitely something you could design around if it wasn't intentional.
It's nice as a recovery thing when you fall, but I do wish the lvls forced you to use the wall jump a bit more.
Actually really cool: art and sound effects are nice, and mechanics are introduced nicely.
I think the resets taking you back to the beginning every time is a little unfair though.