Ah! How magnificent!
Magnificent indeed! In fact, I think this is the best independant car commercial I have ever been privvy to...e- except that someone forgot to include the stock footage of a BMW....
Ah! How magnificent!
Magnificent indeed! In fact, I think this is the best independant car commercial I have ever been privvy to...e- except that someone forgot to include the stock footage of a BMW....
I wish I could understand...
I know you're trying to say something... just spit it out and stop hiding behind ambiguous flash artwork under a guise of artistry. If you want to get your point across, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to be clearer than this.
I liked the music. I didn't understand ha ha ha ha. I'm...un..be....lievably amused. I really didn't though. Not brilliant like the other guy said.
its brillint
Some things you just dont understand
Yeah like this applet? What the fuck was the point?