Well, the graphics look like they were drawn by an unskilled 5th grader, the gameplay is unpolished, to say the least, the controls are somewhat unintuitive, and the audio freaked out my cockatiel.
But let's be honest with ourselves, you didn't pay $50 for a AAA game that promised to be the absolute best platformer that you'd ever played. You're not playing a $20 game on Steam titled "Saudade and Bowerbirds" or something artful like that. You were on Newgrounds, you saw a game called "Joes fucking bus broke down in the middle of the street simulator", and you decided that was worth your time.
I'm not saying that the average of 2.31 stars this game has accumulated is a failure of society or something. When judged by most pillars of game design, it falls short of spectacular by a wide margin.
But the thing I can't ignore, the reason I rate this five stars, is the fact that this game delivers on all of its promises. It KNOWS its art isn't going to be hung up in the Louvre, it's using compressed PNGs of cookies. It KNOWS the gameplay isn't easy to pick up, the controls are in the author comments. It KNOWS the sound design isn't necessarily pleasing. With everything else you need to do in order to make a vaguely functional game, it's a wonder it's even here at all!
This game knows it's not going to be the next Undertale. It's not trying to be revolutionary or meaningful, it just wants to be vaguely functional.
This is what Newgrounds was meant for. It wasn't meant for high art or the next big thing in gaming, although those have come across the website. Newgrounds is, at its heart, a platform for people to show off the stupid little things they made, for people to broadcast their shitty little art to anyone who will heed it.
I hope that all who read this pretentious essay enjoyed it, as I stand by every word.