It was ok
i had to mark a 7 cus ur swash sticker was the wrong way round mate
Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Poland. "Over mein dead body."
It was ok
i had to mark a 7 cus ur swash sticker was the wrong way round mate
Of course we live in a messed up wold - but makes things less boring non the less :P And I agree - horror movies aren't horror anymore, they're gore. Fear of physical pain is what's freaking out people now. So ur on DA huh? :P kool. Nazi Freddy? XD haha this was funny :P go you ^_0
Yet another amazing idea!
Man this was funny! maybe icould take a few lessons from you anyways cya later.
I liked it. It was funny!
Im loading your other three right now!
THATwas so damn funny how at the end the two bastards drowned in the piss!!! HA HA HA!