Oblivion Eve
A roguelike action-platformer where you use upgradeable weapons to combo powerful enemies to their doom! Originally developed for the Pico-8.

Gameplay Overview
Each time you venture into the shifting prison, the layout of the rooms will be randomized. And there's no map to guide your way, either - you'll need to do your best to navigate as the prison itself fights against you - by moving rooms, making you double back on yourself, and putting powerful enemies in your path.
At the heart of the prison lies an enchained titan, who will fight against your every attempt to free them. For each of the four gems you destroy, you'll break one of the chains binding them. Find the titan four times, shatter all four chains to fully liberate them, and claim victory!
And remember to use your ABC's: Always Be Comboing!
Advanced Overview
Each of the five weapons has a different moveset, featuring attacks with varying properties. As you progress through the prison, you'll get the ability to upgrade your attacks, by raising or lowering several properties:
- Size: How large the weapon is, which makes it easier to hit foes.
- Damage: How much enemy HP the weapon will remove on hit.
- Meter Gain: How much meter you gain on hit, which transforms you into stronger forms, and allows you to use ultimate attacks.
- Duration: How long the attack will stay out, making swings spin longer, and stabs go further.
- Recharge Rate: How long it is until you can use another attack afterwards.
Arrow Keys: Move Character, Move Menu Selection
ΎοΈ (Z): Jump, Choose Menu Selection
β (X): Attack, Previous Menu
Enter: Pause Menu
Coding, Sprites, Design: SmartAlloc
Music: Extar
Sound Effects: Munchkin
Uses thisismypassword's shrink08 minifier
Uses ultrabrite's CRT filter, and Maximillian Laumeister's xbr filter
Thanks to bikibird, freds72, heracleum, josiah winslow, mazzetip, merwok, miss mouse, morganqdev, p01, pancelor, smalltestaccount, smellyfishtiks, and thisismypassword for tons of help throughout the development process.
Additional thanks to merwok, ohhcurtains, redlink, rey k, spiderware, and yokoboko for playtesting and feedback.
1.0.0: Initial release
1.0.1: Small bug fixes and balance changes
1.0.2: Fixed issue where the same lore page could be picked up multiple times
1.0.3: Ultimates scale better at higher combos, replaced some rooms, added option to clear game data, fixed issue where a some graphics were partially cut off, fixed issue where game would crash when resetting cart during a run
1.0.4: Fixed issue where you could obtain the last two lore entries early, fixed issue with music resuming after ultimates, reworded tutorial text for clarity
1.0.5: Updated music, lowered boss health, buffed damage reduction upgrade, increased axe smash attack cooldown, decreased axe damage
1.0.6: Made it so the sword and spear side strong attacks have a better angle, increased boss laser size, replaced that annoying attack where a boss pulls a hammer from below
1.1.0: Added a new difficulty 'Oblivion'. Increased the damage of the axe while lowering its range, and buffed the size of the spear. Rebalanced enemies and bosses across the board to make the game more balanced and fun.
Feel free to share your high scores in the comments below!
High Scores:
- Myth: 21686
- Arrito: 21172
- epic344: 20787
Best Times:
- Arrito: 3:04
- Potater Hands: 4:56
- epic344: 5:32